Facility Management Services

What we offer

Facility Management Services offered by Origin FMS are comprehensive in scope. We constantly strive to reduce operating cost and provide un-paralleled quality services to the client.

Property Management

Management of property including waste, STP Operation, landscaping, gardening, Civil work, and Security.


House keeping services including Pest Control, Pantry, Canteen operation and Specialized cleaning, Sterifume, ATP Test, Robotic duct cleaning.

Technical Services

Electrical systems, HVAC, BMS, D.G. Set, Carpentry, Plumbing, AMC management, Safety and Energy Audits, Thermography, Remote Communication system for Critical equipment and Critical areas.


Management and Administration Services including GPS based Transport, Compliance for Housing Societies as per Co-Operative Department, Licensing with Electrical Inspector, Techno Commercial Disputes with Electrical Distribution companies.

MIS support

Daily reporting and Monthly management reports, Maintaining Dashboard, Maintaining checklist and history cards etc.

Origin FMS is formed with an objective to serve the unique management needs of today's modern facilities.

Who we are

We are a team of experienced, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and respected industry professionals to perform any task.

Commitment and understanding client's needs has retained our valuable clients for a long period with us. We understand the specific requirements of IT and ITES industry and help them to concentrate on their core business.

We have networked with the best facility management services experts to provide value for money for our clients.

Origin FMS Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 14001:2015 Certified Company / Organization.

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47 Happy clients
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1073+ Projects completed

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